A few weeks ago and without any warning, #BadStripClubNames appeared on Twitter. People were writing names like "Chlamydia" and "Ugly Girls." I felt I could do better and the challenge resulted in quite a day for me on Twitter. If that's a real thing.
I'm proud to present to you now, 10 better bad strip club names:
- Jimmy's Non-sexual Anus Pounding Station
- Cousin Nate's Squirmy Genital Farm
- Grapple Peanut Funkytown Clinic
- Ye Olde Sexy Biological Curiosity Shoppe
- Slappy Von Stroodle's Prison Palace
- Pink Eye
- Booby McSquizzlestein's Naked Emporium
- Yeast Infection Poop Pimple Heaven
- Scram Farthington's Nipple Fiesta
- Penis Blender
Investors and perverts and perverted investors, you're welcome!