Welcome to Carrie Gravenson's website. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you laugh again. You seem emotionally unstable.
I'm getting super famous and the world outside my couch is finally noticing! Here's what the press is saying about Carrie Gravenson.
CBS Local: Man Cave Daily
March 27, 2014
MCD: Carrie Gravenson is a New York City comedian and she’s good at it.
March 21, 2014
CG: Some people like peperoni and some people like mushrooms. But at least we all like coffee. Sweet sweet coffee.
The Man FAQ
June 5, 2013
TC: And the parking lot/big balls story, that was a real life thing too, wasn’t it?
CG: I mean, in real life I didn’t actually touch anyone’s testicles.
January 1, 2013
How do Queens audiences rate to Manhattan or Brooklyn crowds? Carrie: “At The Laughing Devil Comedy Club here in Long Island City, you’re more likely to find Queens locals. ‘What’s-the-deal-with-the-7-train?’ jokes are more likely to hit in a Queens venue. (Don’t steal my bit, that 7-train material is GOLD!) In Manhattan clubs, you’d have to adjust the content to appeal to a Swedish tourist.”
The Queens Chronicle
October 25, 2012
by Alan Krawitz, Chronicle Contributor
Gravenson’s path to the She-Devil Festival was none too complex, as she explained: “I thought to myself, ‘It’s not too far from my apartment, it’s in my borough and I’m the right gender.’”
March 8, 2012
By Maxine Simpson
The paper version of the Daily News is different from the web version, as is each borough. My giant face was in the paper version of the Queens version. It counts!
Gorgeous Ladies of Comedy
April 8, 2011
Bottom line; Carrie Gravenson is funny. Find out where she is and what she’s doing and go see her…doing stand-up preferably…don’t watch her in her kitchen or bathroom. Though I hear she’s hilarious in both those places."