
Welcome to Carrie Gravenson's website. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you laugh again. You seem emotionally unstable.

Happy New Year!


Travels, travels, travels. When a friend calls up and says, “I have to move from New York to Denver,” I don’t even wait to be asked. I immediately offer, “Do you need help driving your stuff?” What motivates me is the lure of the all American roadtrip. I love it. I love the open road and the scenery and the feeling of accomplishment. I love the road food and the truckers and the truck stops and the pumping gas and the music and laughter. And, of course, I have a feeling there is a country worth of material out there, waiting for me to find it, develop it and spew it from the stage.

The trip was great fun. Driving is not without it’s stresses, of course. There were bugs in the first hotel. There was a tire blow out going 75 mph in Arkansas. This was after my confident assurances to my nervous friend that “Tires are designed to NOT blow out on the highway. That’s all they are designed to do.” Duh. I was pretty much asking for it with that statement.

Flew the red eye back from Denver on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Recovered until Monday. And then Thursday, I flew out to get to a wedding in St. Thomas. Or, at least attempted to. New York’s LaGuardia airport has amongst the worst record in the world for being on time. I had less than an hour to make my connection in Atlanta and I missed it. Delta said I would be delayed a whole day. Fuckers didn’t even want to consider getting me on another flight with another airline. So, a night in the Comfort Inn at the Atlanta airport. Don’t recommend it.

St. Thomas is lovely – warm sunny beaches, great food, plenty of rum punch. But man, is it expensive. And now I’m back. Back in the cold. Back to buckling down and making an effort to fulfill my new year’s resolutions and make a go at this comedy thing. No one succeeds doing comedy half-assedly. So, with that in mind, come see me in Danny Leary and Becky Donohue’s new brain-child. This is going to be good, seriously.

Friday, January 30th
Don't Tell Mama
The Cocktail Show
343 W. 46th St. (Between 8th and 9th Aves)
Free drink just for walking in the door!
8:45pm doors open, 9:15pm show
$15 cover without a reservation
$10 cover with a reservation
2 drink minimum
Cash only
Reservations: www.donttellmamanyc.com
or 212-757-0788 after 4pm daily

See you there!

The Punch of the Line.

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